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Your Vote, Your Voice Matter

Writer's picture: Stephen PostierStephen Postier

On May 15th everyone had the opportunity to take part in our primary election. Come November 6th, we will get another opportunity to have our voices heard in the general election. While I recognize that it is cliché to say, it still rings true today as much as ever, your vote and your voice matter. But did you know voting is not the only way to have your voice heard?

There are many opportunities leading up to an election, and throughout the year, where you can make a difference. If there are particular issues you are concerned about, your elected representatives would love to hear from you. You can call them, show up to their office, or attend a public hearing on the issue. Now-a-days you could even send them a Facebook message, or a tweet.

Interested in hearing from local candidates for office? The York News-Times and KOOL Radio/Max Country teamed up with the York Young Professionals to host a forum before this last election. The paper also helped host a forum in Utica for the state senator race. Both of the results were reported on for people to read. The York Young Professionals also hosted a State of the City forum last fall.

The York County Republican Party hosted a few meet and greets so anyone that wanted to get to know some of the candidates could. We also held our local county convention where a few elected officials spoke about what they’re doing in their office. As the general election gets closer, we plan to host a few more events, so be watching our Facebook page for more information. If you would like to sign up for email updates, please send your information to If you have any ideas for events you would like to see in our area, please let us know.

Some of the best ways to get involved are to join the York County Republican Party, volunteer on a campaign, or even run for an office yourself. There are many opportunities depending on your interests. Rather than accepting the status quo, take these occasions to affect change and to better our society.

Stephen R Postier, Chairman

York County Republican Party

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